viernes, 15 de abril de 2011

Past Progressive and simple past. Exercises

I Fill in the blanks with the verb in parenthesis
. It isn't raining now! It (stop) ___________________________
2. I (dream) _______________________ when the alarm clock rang.
3. What (you do) ____________________ yesterday at six o´clock in the morning?
4. My brother and I (play) _______________________ the guitar when the light went out.
5. Last month my parents (celebrate) _________________________ their anniversary
6.  Yesterday we (go) ________________ to the Antroplogy museum, it was really amazing.
7.  Last december I (not go) _______________to the beach.

II. Complete the conversation
. Last night I (watch) ___________________-TV when suddenly the lights went out.
- Oh, really? What time (be) ________________it?
- It (be) ______________________eleven o'clock.
- Oh, I think I (sleep) __________________at that time.
- I (be) ________________very frightened then because I ( watch) _____________________ a horror film.
-  I see... What film (watch) ____________________?
- It was called "A night with vampires". It (be) ____________________almost at the end...
- Oh, I (see)) _______________________two months ago!
- Well, then, tell me how it (end)_________________ !
- Oh, no. I ((not know)________________because as I (fell))_________________so scared that I (go) __________out of the cinema before it (end) __________

Past Progressive

El pasado continuo se utiliza para describir acciones que se estaban desarrollando en el pasado y que continuaron después de ese momento:

This morning at 8 o'clock she was reading 
: la acción de leer había comenzado antes de las ocho y continuó después de este instante. 
Last Monday he was traveling
: la acción de viajar comenzó antes del lunes y continuó después.

El pasado continuo se utiliza también para referimos a dos acciones en el pasado, una de las cuales se completó, mientras que la otra continuaba: para la primera se utiliza el "past simple" y para la segunda el "past continuous":

When he arrived, I was watching TV. 
Cuando él llegó, yo estaba viendo al tele: la acción de ver la tele había comenzado antes de que él llegara, y continuó después.
While she was listening to music, her brother did his homework.
Mientras ella escuchaba música, su hermano hizo sus deberes: la acción de oír música tenía ya lugar antes de que el hermano comenzara sus deberes, y continuó una vez que el hermano había terminado.

Recuerda que la estructura es :

I, you, we, you, they + WERE + Verb  "ING" + time expression

He, she, it + WAS + Verb "ING" + time expresion

Actions that began in the past and may continue in the future (Pres, Perfect)

I. Remember and write:
1. Three things I have done this week that I am happy with
2. Three things I have not yet done this year
3. One thing I have learnt this week

II. Write how you have felt lately

viernes, 25 de febrero de 2011

Actions that began in the past and continue in the present

Hi students,
Complete the actions with the verb in parenthesis

1. My parents ________  __________ (live) in Mexico since I was born.
2. Axel _________  ___________ (work) very hard lately
3. I ___________   ___________ (not have) good grades recently
4. My brother _________ finally   ___________ (get) a job
5. My aunt __________  __________ (decide) to buy a porsche
6. __________you _________ (watch) "El cisne negro"?
7. _________ that reporter___________(write)  for that newspaper before?
8. We ___________   ____________( not travel) by plane yet

jueves, 16 de diciembre de 2010

Phrasal verbs

Activity 2
A) Study the phrasal verbs
                                                         PHRASAL VERBS
AGREE WITH - estar de acuerdo - "All women are bad drivers." "I don't agree with you."
BE ABOUT TO - estar a punto de -I was about to leave the house when my friends arrived.
BE OUT OF - quedarse sin - We're out of eggs so we can't make a tortilla.
BLOW UP - inflar - We blew up at least a hundred balloons for the Christmas party.
BREAK DOWN - averiarse - My car broke down on the way to Motril.
CLEAR UP - poner en orden - It took four hours to clear up after the party.

B) Complete the dialogue using the phrasal verbs

-Hi Liz, are we going to celebrate Anthony's birthday?
-I_______________________ask you if you could help me to organize it
-Of course, I can help you to  ______________the house before the party.
-Do you think it is ok to serve hamburgers and french fries?
-I___________________________That's a good idea.
-I'll better go to the supermarket and buy enough food so I __________________meat or bread.
-I can not go, my car______________last week.
-Don't worry, while I go to the supermarket you can __________________the ballons
- That's right, see you later.

martes, 14 de diciembre de 2010